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International Standards Australia (SAA)

Edit: ANCI Clicks: 464

Overview: SAA Australia International Standards (Standards Australia International Limited) is Australia's only standards certification body. The institution was established in 1922 as the Commonwealth Engineering Standards Institute of Australia and was renamed the Australian Standards Institute in 1929.

1. Introduction to SAA

SAA Australia International Standards (Standards Australia International Limited) is Australia's only standards certification body. The institution was established in 1922 as the Commonwealth Engineering Standards Institute of Australia and was renamed the Australian Standards Institute in 1929. With the continuous development of the business, Quality Assurance Services Pty Ltd was added in 1990. In 1999, the institution completely abandoned the nature of the association and was registered as a company to this day.



2. Development of SAA Company

Australia's standards body is the Standards Association of Australian, so many friends call Australian certification SAA certification. In fact, SAA is only a standard-setting body and does not issue product certification. SAA later changed its name to: Standards Australia Limited. SAA is an independent company with no direct relationship with the government, but the federal and state governments are its members.

The SAA and the Commonwealth of Australia have signed a memorandum recognizing that the SAA is Australia's apex non-governmental standards body. The memorandum also pointed out that the development of standards should be consistent with the requirements of the WTO. Accordingly, there is agreement that new Australian Standards need not be developed when appropriate international standards already exist.

Australian standards start with "AS" and Australia-New Zealand joint standards start with "AS/NZS".

Australia's standard and New Zealand's standard are basically the same as IEC, and there are some national differences. Australia and New Zealand implement standard unification and mutual recognition of certification, and products can be sold in another country as long as they have obtained the certification of one country.


3. SAA supervisory agency

Australia is a federal country, and the certification, control and management of electrical safety and energy consumption requirements are carried out by the Regulatory Authority of each state or region in accordance with the certification process of the state/region. Certificates issued in any one state are valid in other states without any additional formalities. In addition, QAS (Quality Assurance Services Pty Ltd.), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the SAA standard setting agency, is Australia's NCB (National Certification Body), and the certificates issued by it have also been recognized by various states or regions and have the same effect.


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