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Bureau Veritas (BV)

Edit: ANCI Clicks: 644

Overview: Established in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in testing, inspection and certification (TIC) and one of the most recognized institutions in the industry by governments and international organizations around the world, providing high-quality services , to help customers meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.

1. Introduction to BV

Established in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in testing, inspection and certification (TIC) and one of the most recognized institutions in the industry by governments and international organizations around the world, providing high-quality services , to help customers meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.

Bureau Veritas is a world-renowned international inspection and certification group. Provide professional inspection, analysis, audit, product and facility (building, industrial site, equipment, ship, etc.) certification and related mandatory or voluntary management system certification services. Participated in the formulation of ISO9000 and ISO14000 standards and a series of industry standards, and made great contributions to the development and promotion of standards.



2. BV corporate culture

The Vision of Bureau Veritas (BV):

To be a leader in our industry, a key player in every market segment and key geographic markets.

The mission of Bureau Veritas (BV):

Create economic value for customers through quality, health and safety, environmental and social responsibility management of customers' assets, projects, products and systems, thereby reducing business risks and improving business performance.

Bureau Veritas (BV) Code of Ethics:

Our group has built a successful global business with its long-standing reputation. This reputation is the Group's most valuable asset around the world and is reflected in our core values, business values ​​and ethics.


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